The paperwork that you’ll need to provide to your lender will have to prove your identity, your assets and liabilities and how much it costs you to live. You will also have to provide information about your company, and how it is performing.
Personal documents you’ll need include:
Personal Identification:
You’ll need to provide 100 points of ID, including at least one document that includes your photograph and a signature. These may include:
- your passport (which must be current or expired no more than 2 years)
- your birth certificate
- your Australian citizenship certificate
- your driver’s licence (which is currently valid)
Details of your income:
- how much you receive personally from your company
- any income you receive from any other sources
- any government benefits you are entitled to, such as family tax benefits
- any dividends, interest or rental income from any investments
- a copy of your tax returns and Notice of Assessment for the past two years showing your declared income
A list of your assets:
This should include the registration certificates or other proof of ownership of all:
- cars
- caravans
- boats and trailers
- other recreational vehicles you may own
Also, include in your assets list:
- shares you own
- other valuable items over $5,000, such as jewellery or collections
- your superannuation balance
- any cash deposits or savings you may have
A list of your liabilities:
This should include all monies that you owe to other people or institutions including:
- any other loans you have in your own, or your company name
- all credit cards with details of their credit limit
- all other store credit or lines of credit you have in your or your company name
- all child maintenance payments you may be liable for
- any other court-ordered debt, fines or promises to pay that you’ve made
A list of your living expenses
This should show details of how much it costs you to live, so it should include figures for items such as:
- your current rent or mortgage
- utility bills such as gas and electricity
- your phone, internet and telecommunication contracts
- all the cost of subscriptions and memberships to gyms, sporting clubs or organisations that you belong to
- an estimate of the cost of buying food and clothes for your household members
- how much you spend on leisure items such as movies, going out, take-away meals, coffees and more
You can use Savvy’s budget planner calculator to combine all your household expenditure items into one single document to make your loan application easier and give you a better idea of what sort of loan repayment you can afford.
Business documents required
In addition to the above personal documents, if you’re looking for the best home loan for a small business owner, you’ll also need to supply the following business documents:
- your company ABN, ACN and TFN
- your company tax returns for the past two financial years
- your company Notice of Assessment for the past two years
- your company Business Activity Statements (BAS) for the past 8 quarters
- a profit and loss statement for your company for the past two years