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Health Insurance Brokers And Agents
Learn about health insurance brokers and agents and their role in the insurance process through Savvy today.
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In the old days, insurance agents and brokers worked individually on behalf of private health insurance funds to sell policies to the public. To buy insurance from a broker, you’d have to phone and make an appointment and potentially visit an office in person. However, while the process is much quicker and easier these days online, it’s still worth understanding how brokers work. Find out what their role in the policy purchase process is with Savvy today.
What role do agents and brokers play in providing health insurance quotes?
Health insurance policies were traditionally sold by brokers and agents face-to-face in person. There is a key difference between a broker and an agent:
- An agent usually works for a single insurance company with the aim of selling as many policies for their employer as possible. They are often employed by larger health funds. Income is often earned through commission, based on how many policies are sold per month or year.
- A broker doesn’t work for one particular health insurance company but has an arrangement with multiple companies, often including some of the largest health funds in Australia. The aim is to provide the customer with a service to help them find the most appropriate health cover possible from their panel of insurers.
Both agents and brokers will assist the customer with the process of choosing their preferred level and type health insurance and will often offer assistance to fill in forms and help their customers switch health funds too. They rely on building up a large network of clients to bring in repeat business and keep their income healthy.
What are the alternatives to visiting an agent or broker in person?
The main alternative to visiting an insurance broker or agent in person is purchasing your policy online, which you can do through Savvy. You can compare quotes online from our panel of leading Australian health insurance funds. You don’t have to book an appointment or even leave home: you can get all the information you need to choose between a list of health funds in an instant today.
You can compare hospital cover policies, looking at the most basic cover through to bronze and silver plans and up to the most expensive gold hospital cover policies. With extras cover, you’ll be able to compare different levels of cover, see what treatments they offer benefits for and find out all about their inclusions and exclusions with a side-by-side comparison.
To buy health insurance through Savvy, just answer a few simple questions about yourself, the type of insurance you're after and whether you need cover for yourself as a single or as a couple or family. You’ll also need to provide details such as which state you live in, as this will affect the insurance cover on offer.
From there, you’ll have a range of quotes from a list of leading health insurance companies to compare online and, if you find one you like, you can go ahead and purchase it today. Alternatively, you can schedule a call back from a health insurance expert if you want to discuss your options further before buying your policy. Why leave home when you can do it all through Savvy?
Frequently asked questions about health insurance brokers and agents
Brokers and agents are generally paid by insurance companies either through wages or commission payments, so clients who buy insurance policies through them typically don't pay for their services. However, it may still be important to check with your broker or agent as to whether any fees are involved. When buying health insurance online through Savvy, you won’t have to pay a cent for purchasing through our broker partner.
Some health insurance funds may package special offers or discounts which are only provided through particular brokers. However, by comparing policies through Savvy, you’ll be able to see what special offers are available from a variety of health insurance providers.
Some of the comparison points to consider when looking at policies and determining if health insurance is worth it include:
- Overall cost
- Inclusions and exclusions
- Benefit limits
- Excess amounts (hospital cover only)
- Co-payments (hospital cover only)
- Waiting periods (which can vary with extras cover)
Yes – the private health insurance industry in Australia is tightly regulated when it comes to the coverage offered by hospital cover. All policies must offer a set number of clinical categories with either a basic, bronze, silver or gold tier policy. These conditions make it easier for Aussies to compare policies, knowing they are comparing similar policies. When shopping for hospital insurance, take the time to determine which level of cover is most suited to your needs and budget.
Helpful health insurance guides
Compare health insurance policies online
Savvy is partnered with Compare Club Australia Pty Ltd (AFS representative number 001279036) of Alternative Media Pty Ltd (AFS License number 486326) to provide readers with a variety of health insurance policies to compare. Savvy earns a commission from Compare Club each time a customer buys a health insurance policy via our website. We don’t arrange for products to be purchased from these brands directly, as all purchases are conducted via Compare Club.
Savvy’s comparison service is provided by Compare Club. Compare Club compares selected products from a panel of trusted insurers and does not compare all products in the market.
Any advice presented above or on other pages is general in nature and doesn’t consider your personal or business objectives, needs or finances. It’s always important to consider whether advice is suitable for you before purchasing an insurance policy.
For any further information on the variety of insurers compared by Compare Club or how their business works, you can read their Financial Services Guide.